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Howard Kam to Represent Team USA in World Junior Wushu Championship

July 22, 2024
By Fremont Christian School

Since our previous post about FCS’s wushu stars, Howard Kam has received the remarkable honor of placing second in the qualifying competition, earning him a coveted spot on the USA Junior Wushu team. This achievement not only fulfilled a personal dream but also represented a significant milestone for Howard.

Wushu Wonder 

While Howard has previously competed for the USA as part of the B team in Pan American events, the elusive A team selection had remained just out of reach. So qualifying this year, he says, is the result of years of hard work. He expresses the immense satisfaction of seeing his efforts pay off.

With his selection to the USA Junior Wushu team, Howard now sets his sights on the World Junior Wushu Championship, set to take place in Asia this September. As he prepares to represent his country on the global stage, Howard's focus and determination remain unwavering. His rigorous training regimen and unwavering commitment underscore his readiness to compete at the highest level.

Howard attributes much of his success to his wushu coach, Hannah Gao (mother to Elena Chow, another wushu star at FCS), whose unwavering support and positivity have been a constant source of inspiration. “She always has more energy than all of us,” Howard says, admiring her dedication and ability to motivate her athletes with love and encouragement rather than pressure.

13-Plus-Year Student

Thirteen years is a long time to be part of any community, and for Howard, Fremont Christian School has been much more than just an educational institution. From his first day in preschool, Howard described FCS as a place filled with love and support. “FCS is a family,” he said, emphasizing the strong sense of community and faith that permeates the school. The environment at FCS has been a constant source of encouragement for Howard and his peers.

Reflecting on his 13+ years at FCS, Howard shared some of his favorite memories. He fondly remembers his first-grade teacher, Mr. Lam, who introduced him to the arts through the elementary musical. Another standout memory was his time with Miss Wong, who made him feel special and valued despite his hyperactive nature. “She made me feel like the coolest kid ever,” Howard recalled, highlighting the profound impact of her kindness and attention.

As Howard progressed through middle school and high school, he continued to encounter teachers who inspired him academically and personally. The transition to online learning during COVID-19 was a challenging time, but thanks to the efforts of Mr. Fu, the school’s activities director, students were able to maintain a sense of normalcy and community through virtual events and competitions.

As Howard embarks on this next chapter of his wushu journey, he carries with him the pride and support of his community. Representing Team USA at the World Junior Wushu Championship is not only a personal triumph but also a testament to his years of hard work and determination. We will all be watching in the fall to cheer him on!

FCS Shines at the Math Olympics

May 29, 2024
By Fremont Christian School
A few of our Math Olympics winners: Aaron Jin, Alice Ng, and Yuen Wei.

We are thrilled to announce that Fremont Christian School achieved outstanding success at this year's Western Division Math Olympics. Competing against six other schools and approximately 250 students, our participants demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication.

Students are selected to participate in the Math Olympics by taking pre-tests in their regular math classes, with the top three students in each grade qualifying for the two categories: computation and reasoning.

Only 4% of the total participants in the first round made it to nationals, and we are incredibly proud to have been represented by eight FCS students in Grades 3-8 (out of 35 initial participants and 25 in the divisional round).

Our students achieved remarkable results, with 71% of our 35 participants placing in the top 5 of their categories. Notably, we swept the 7th and 8th Grade Computation categories, securing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.

Our Top Performers

3rd Grade Reasoning
* 2nd Place: Maureen Liu
* 5th Place: Alyssa Yaoyi

3rd Grade Computation
* 2nd Place: Yuen Wei
* 4th Place: Ryan Xu

4th Grade Reasoning
* 1st Place: Grace Li

4th Grade Computation
* 4th Place: Chloe Liu

5th Grade Reasoning
* 1st Place: Aaron Jin

5th Grade Computation
* 1st Place: Claire Ng
* 4th Place: Daniel Hsu

6th Grade Reasoning
* 1st Place: Sophia Chen
* 4th Place: Joseph Sung

6th Grade Computation
* 3rd Place: Kyle Ly
* 4th Place: Prisha Rajkumar
* 5th Place: Ethan Lin

7th Grade Reasoning
* 1st Place: Alice Ng
* 2nd Place: Joseph Widjaja

7th Grade Computation
* 1st Place: Ricky Ji
* 2nd Place: Hannah Joseph
* 3rd Place: Luke Thu

8th Grade Reasoning
* 2nd Place: Olivia Au
* 3rd Place (Tie): Brendan Williams
* 3rd Place (Tie): Michelle Hsu

8th Grade Computation
* 1st Place: Ethan Huang
* 2nd Place: Maxwell Lin
* 3rd Place: Alexander Jin

Special recognition goes to the top students in each grade and category, who received an Olympic-style medallion for scoring at least 85% correct answers:
* Grace Li
* Aaron Jin
* Ricky Ji
* Sophia Chen

Insightful Advice from Our Participants

Michelle Hsu, an 8th-grade participant, shared her advice: "The best way to study is to not over-study because it makes you forget. My advice is to spend more time thoroughly reading the question than just skimming over it to save time. It is more important to understand the question than to just read it."

Karen Behrens, FCS’s Director of Curriculum and Instruction, who facilitated the event this year, expressed her pride. “Math Olympics is an exciting opportunity for students at FCS to compete against not only one another but also students all over the country. It provides a chance to test our students' computation and reasoning skills under pressure; each test is allotted only 11 minutes, and students must use the most efficient strategies to solve as many problems as they can. We are very encouraged to see such positive results this year!”

Divisional & National Round Results

Out of 1,792 participants in the divisional round, 8 of our 25 FCS students qualified for the Nationals by scoring in the top 15 in their grade level and category.

* Ryan Xu, 3rd Grade
* Yuen Wei, 3rd Grade
* Ethan Lin, 6th Grade
* Ricky Ji, 7th Grade

* Zien (Grace) Li, 4th Grade
* Aaron Jin, 5th Grade
* Sophia Chen, 6th Grade
* Alice Ng, 7th Grade (Earned 3rd Place in the Divisional Round)

We proudly announce that two of our students placed in the ACSI National Math Olympics!
* Yuen Wei — 3rd Grade Computation, 5th place
* Aaron Jin — 5th Grade Reasoning, 2nd place

Thank you for your continued support and partnership in making this event a resounding success! Congratulations to all our Math Olympians — your achievements inspire us all!

The Wushu Stars of FCS

March 14, 2024
By Fremont Christian School

For a school of its size, Fremont Christian offers students a wide array of extracurricular activities, including those in its robust athletics program. But even with so many on-campus options, some students opt to participate in other hobbies and sports. Two such students, senior Howard Kam and junior Elena Chow, have chosen wushu (a Chinese term for martial arts), a sport in which they have proven not just adept but exceptional.

Finding Their Passion

Howard's early exposure to martial arts dramas on a Hong Kong broadcasting station fueled his initial interest in wushu. “The channel had a lot of dramas with martial arts,” he says. “I saw that, and I was like, wow, this is really awesome and super cool."

His parents, understanding his passion, allowed him to pursue wushu at the age of six. Despite the commitment and sacrifices — he currently practices for three hours four to five times a week, including with a straight sword and a spear — Howard finds fulfillment in pushing himself beyond limits. He emphasizes the importance of enjoying the journey, saying, "Winning hasn't been the same for me. What I came to realize was that I have to be willing to push myself in practice and in preparation."

Elena also became interested in wushu at a young age, partly because her mother ran a kung fu school. She began practicing when she was seven, and the physical activity soon became an integral part of her identity. Balancing academics and wushu, Elena highlights the supportive environment at FCS, citing how accommodating and understanding the teachers are as a main reason she transferred from her previous school, which hadn’t been as accepting.

Howard echoes this sentiment, “If, for example, I have a competition, I can ask my teachers ahead of time for assignments, tests, or whatever I need. They’re very supportive.”

Competition Champions

Both students’ dedication has paid off. Howard has competed in several high-profile competitions, including the Golden State International Wushu Championships, Tiger Claw (where he was grand champion), and the prestigious Pan American Wushu Championships, for which he traveled to Brazil and took home the gold.

Elena has also competed in esteemed competitions, including the World Wushu Championships. “I got to see athletes who do this sport for like a living — athletes from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia — who I would normally watch online to get inspiration for my own routine. And I got to compete on the same floor. I just remember it being so surreal because I was like, ‘Oh, my gosh, these people do the same thing I do, and I get to see them in person.’” She has also traveled to Indonesia to compete in the World Junior Wushu Championship.

Howard, having competed at national and international levels, underscores the sense of community in wushu. “The people you compete against push you to be better. The community is a big part of what draws people into the sport.”

Elena echoes this sentiment, emphasizing wushu’s transformative power. “It’s taught me discipline and perseverance. It's not just a sport — it's a way of life.”

Unleashing School Spirit: An Inside Look at Spirit Week

February 28, 2024
By Fremont Christian School

Spirit Week at Fremont Christian School isn't just another week on the calendar — it's a vibrant celebration of unity, creativity, and school pride that brings together students and faculty in a whirlwind of activities and events. Led by Student Activities Director Jimmy Fu, Spirit Week offers a unique opportunity for students to showcase their talents, build lasting friendships, and create cherished memories.

Under the banner of this year’s theme of “Board Games,” the festivities kicked off on January 27th, with a flurry of activity as students dove into skit and dance rehearsals, each class guided by its respective advisor. As the day progressed, students came together for decoration setup in the gym, infusing the space with the vibrant energy of Homecoming and basketball excitement. The day culminated with more rehearsals, ensuring that every performance was polished to perfection.

Each class chose a different board game for their theme:

  • 9th grade: The Game of Life
  • 10th grade: Candy Land
  • 11th grade: Jumanji
  • 12th grade: Monopoly

Throughout the week, activities continued to captivate the school community, with classes earning points based on various criteria. Students gathered to engage in various games and challenges, showcase videos created by each class, perform energetic class dances, and take the stage with creative skits that highlighted their class unity and talent. Friday saw the Spirit Rally, featuring the introduction of the Homecoming court and a basketball game. The excitement culminated on Saturday with the dance, which had a masquerade theme this year.

This year’s winner of Spirit Week was the junior class. Congrats to them and everyone who participated!

Spirit Week’s Role at FCS

The week-long annual event aligns seamlessly with Fremont Christian School's values of unity, leadership, and holistic development. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, Spirit Week empowers students to embrace their unique talents and strengths while promoting collaboration and positive relationships among peers.

Mr. Fu employs various strategies to encourage student participation, emphasizing the value of teamwork, leadership, and personal growth. Through positive peer pressure and inclusive leadership, our Student Activities Director — himself an FCS alum — motivates students to actively engage in Spirit Week activities.

Student leaders play a pivotal role in organizing and leading Spirit Week activities. Tapping into their leadership skills, class presidents and council members collaborate closely with Mr. Fu to plan and execute various events, ensuring effective communication and coordination within their respective classes.

Mr. Fu’s Long History at FCS

In his role, Mr. Fu works closely with the student council to ensure that each class is on track with their assignments and collaborates with students to organize various activities throughout the week. He also promotes the culminating events of Spirit Week, including the Homecoming basketball game and dance, encouraging widespread participation and enthusiasm among the student body.

Mr. Fu's journey at Fremont Christian School has come full circle. As an international student from Taiwan, he graduated from FCS in 2006. After pursuing higher education and gaining experience in event management and hospitality, Mr. Fu returned to serve as a faculty member and youth leader. His deep-rooted connection to the school and his passion for student engagement drive his commitment to making Spirit Week a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Spirit Week is more than just a series of events — it's a celebration of community, teamwork, and the unique spirit that defines Fremont Christian School. Guided by Mr. Fu and fueled by the enthusiasm of students, Spirit Week continues to be a cherished tradition and a testament to the vibrant spirit and community ethos of Fremont Christian School.

Tags: spirit week

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